Vol. 11 No. 44 (2022): Fruit Bunches from the Plethora of Quran and its Readings

					View Vol. 11 No. 44 (2022): Fruit Bunches from the Plethora of Quran and its Readings

Praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds, and prayers and peace be upon the best of all His creation, Abi Al-Qasim Muhammad and His progeny benevolent, immaculate, honourable and glorious.


     It is one of the perspectives of Al-Ameed Journal to cuddle its readership with so sparkling lights, so blessed platform buttressed by the illumination of Abi Alfadhal Al-Abbas bin Ali bin Abi Talib, peace be upon them, who is a man of knowledge, sapience, pride and insight. He is a righteous servant and so Allah, the almighty, His Messenger, the Commander of the Faithful, Al-Hassan and Al-Hussein, Peace be upon them all. He is a man of a sincere pathway to the original knowledge and creative thinking that aspires to success. Here the adoption of the most appropriate scientific method and the pursuit of the best facilities to pave the way to a free environment buttressing truth and safety, the authors are to have respect and cordiality they deserve from the holy Al-Abbas shrine incharges.

     The current issue surges into publication in the light of the targeted ambition of the journal cadre: throughout its pages the academic missions and the sheer doctrinal commitment are twined in so great amalgamation and interaction leading to implement its permanent slogan: “Under the Shade of Al-`Ameed to Augment” the Holy Al-`Abbas shrine takes hold of, as of the first Al-`Ameed Conference to its sixth version. Truly it emanates from the heart of such a prolific journal.

     As a matter of reality, one who believes in the holy and pure spirit of Karbala, in the spirit of the blessed and the benevolent who are buried therein: the people of insight and humanity from the family of Muhammad, peace be upon them, their adherents and Shiites. Here it is to say that one who holds such a belief and acts in alignment with the belief is to cull a divine work tracing the scientific truth and advocating every epistemological effort that aspires to erect a threshold in the architecture of the creative thinking for such a generous and benevolent nation.

     As per usual, the issue cuddles a constellation of research studies bifurcated into two types: the first, so called, the file, falls within the remit of the Quranic studies with three articles, one focuses on Quranic text and other articles on perception of the Quranic text. Then these articles draw the title of the edition: “Fruit Bunches from the Plethora of Quran and Its Readings”.

In these Quranic excerpts, are there three research isles. The first is much concerned with studying orientalist suspicions about women inheritance in the Glorious Quran. Without doubt, certain orientalist opinions derail from the path of objectivity in studying some Islamic issues: fair orientalist opinions are traceable in Islamic issues.

         The second manipulates the Quranic stories from the perspectives of semiotic criticism, it is an approach whose practitioners consider the possibility of the Quranic text in a vision with methodological updating. Yet the third deals with the methodological problems in contemporary readings of the Quranic text: Abdul Majeed Al Sharfi as an example.

     As for the other propensity of research in this issue, it is the humanities studies the journal research receives, peer-reviews and publishes in line with its academic scope. More vehemently, the journal incharges seize the occasion of issuing such a promising, with the will of the Almighty, to invite specialized researchers to provide the journal with their authentic scientific research achievements. In time, there is a promise that positive knowledge environment be to trace truth and its people and cuddle their products.

Last we do is to thank Allah, Lord of the worlds, and prayers and peace be upon the best of all His creatures, Abi Al-Qasim Muhammad and his infallible household, immaculate, benevolent progeny.

Published: 2022-12-31
