
  • A Peculiarity from Al-Hassan Literature
    Vol. 12 No. 45 (2023)

    Praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds, and prayers and peace be upon the best of all His creation, and His progeny benevolent, immaculate, honorable and glorious.

    Praise be to Allah, who grant us an opportunity to serve His custodians, Muhammad and his progeny benevolent, immaculate, honorable and glorious and to manage their knowledge and have it documented in conferences, seminars, workshops and various scientific and methodological studies; issuing periodicals on such a noble thought. It is of success for us to produce a new issue of the journal for serious readers and researchers, Al-Ameed journal that strives to cuddle a file attracting readers for the topics diversity. Here the file title surges into view as: “A Peculiarity from Al-Hassan Literature” to cuddle three isles about the speeches of our Imam Abi Muhammad Al-Hassan: his selection, argumentation style and interpretive reading of his sermons.

         Without doubt the literature of Imam Al-Hassan tends to in a desperate need for deep studies, such a file is a scientific threshold for the interest of researchers to deal with a distinguished chronicle of Imam Al-Hassan from untackled perspectives . Since the bounty of the chronicle is never to vanish, the moment a researcher ponders his mind about it, he finds what his predecessor did not find. So he is to gain something unploughed. In so doing, it is to call promising writers to sharpen their determination, write new things, and search for everything untackled, whether in the chronicle of Imam Hassan or in the infallible imams` (peace be upon them). It is of practicality to make use of it to solve crises and problems of the era, as it becomes a way of knowledge for subsequent generations, and we, in turn, strive to evaluate it, publish it and print it according to the well-known methodological foundations to be a source of knowledge for researchers.

         In this regard, we do re-invite various intellectual institutions and universities to urge the researchers to actively participate in providing their Journal, Al-Ameed, with more research studies. In time the journal is highly prepared to adopt them, arbitrate them, and publish them in your Al-Ameed Journal, so that your valuable ideas will be under the sigh and insight of the scholars, learners, readers, and adherents, in service to our imams and loyalty to our master, Abi Al-Fadhil Al-Abbas. Last we do is  to praise Allah the  Lord of the Worlds.

  • Readings on Islamic Thought
    Vol. 12 No. 47 (2023)

    Praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds, and may the blessings and the peace be upon the Messenger of mercy to the worlds, our Prophet, the Prophet of Mercy, Muhammad, may the prayers and peace of Him be upon him and his progeny.


         At its forty seventh edition Al-Ameed journal lays your hands to cuddle a number of valuable studies on various topics from humanities and the quells of prominent the researchers. In an endeavour the journal tends to take hold of the sublime target in focus: to broach the unique in its scope and to be a platform for the researchers interested in humanities and their tributaries the journal draws a line of amalgamation between the highly experienced quells and the promising ones, in particular the postgraduates.

    For the journal to publish such an edition forms a file to embrace three papers:

    1- Resolution of Sheikh. Muhammad Jawad Mughniyeh.

    2- History Philosophy of Murtadha Mutahhari.

    3- Seid. Ali Naqi Al-Haydari and his “Alwasi”.

          These papers shape a title “Readings on Islamic Thought” to tackle many Islamic ideas on the Islamic history the journal aspires to set as a portal to researchers in writing on such topics.

                As for the rest of the papers in the journal varies from titles to contents to broaden the terrain of knowledge in the face of multiple and diverse majors to draw upon different sciences. Some of these papers focus on thought and civil peace according to the Supreme Authority, his eminence seid. Ali Al-Sistani, may Allah prolong his life, and some do on the role of kindergartens to disseminate the idea of peaceful coexistence to the people in the country. Such is quite reflected in ethnographic papers manifesting the study of the nature of the individual and how to deal with the society.

    In addition to variety of topics, there is a variety in language: some written in Arabic and in English.

         Here comes the journal to appreciate all the scientific efforts to have such a product and to call on all academics, researchers and specialists to enrich it with their distinguished studies and never to spare an effort. We ask none but Allah to regard their efforts and achievement as good deeds.

          It is hoped that this issue in question is to meet your approval, just as we ask Allah Almighty that such a deed be entirely for Him and pray for Him to facilitate the process of continuity: it is He who is the success Grantor and the succour Giver.

  • Imam Al-Baqir: Chronicle of Sapient Confrontation
    Vol. 11 No. 42 (2022)

    It is of possibility for the word " confrontation" to throw a shade of meanings ; violence and collision . Such leads to nonsapient and strained bonds yet the designation of the blessed ayat , “Argue them with the best way" broaches other interpretations ,  advice and understanding, and spurs a kind of intimate and sapient bonds.

     Based on " Their being is a blessing " , the chronicle of Ahalalbayt tends to be prolific and replete with the second isle as they are of the prophetic education pedigree calling for " a sapient word for alms ". To strike a paragon in such a field , the editorial board gives priority to a file in its forthcoming edition to trace such a thought-provoking orbit in the chronicle of the science sage imam Muhammad Ibn Ja`afer: A Chronicle of Intellectual Confrontation . Here the imam is to be an evidence for promulgating ,transmitting and communicative method to implement a moral and intellectual equilibrium between all the classes and in particular the classes that are in a methodological and intellectual dispute . 

    The first article tackles , Oneness for Imam Muhammad Al-Baqar of Prof.Dr.`Abidalkareem `Azaldin Sadaq , the second does Imam Al-Baqar and His Role in Confronting Moral Deviation of Prof. Dr. Dawood  Salman Khalif yet the third does Efforts of Imam Al-Baqir in Extirpating Islamic Doctrine from Fanaticism and Extremism of Prof.Dr. Sobhi `Auda Muhammad. As a concatenation of knowledge and science to complete the journal scopes , the editorial board sets a choice of a panoramic constellation of  peer reviewed articles in Arabic and English .

    To encapsulate , it is to re-invite austere academic research quills to revive their contact with the journal to submit unique research projects and viewpoints .

    Thanks be to the Lord of the Worlds

  • Fatimiyyah Abundance
    Vol. 13 No. 49 (2024)

         Thanks and Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, may the blessings of Him and peace be upon our master Muhammad and his good, immaculate and honorable family.


          It is an issue for Al-Ameed journal to offer its meritorious researchers and readers. There are two sections: the first pertains to the issue file cuddling three papers on lady Fatima Al-Zahra, may His prayers and peace be upon her as entitled “Fatimiyyah Abundance” as the journal incharges believe that Lady Al-Zahra, may His peace be upon her, is a source of scientific and spiritual abundance and divine blessings many generations, nations, peoples and researchers imbibe.

       As for the second file, it takes hold of ten papers: eight in Arabic and two in English. All these papers tend to touch on various fields of knowledge, the scope of the journal and its scientific major and research mission. It is of importance to lay a mention that the current issue coincides with the celebration of the twelfth anniversary of the f Al-Ameed journal inauguration. Whose memory embraces the hearts of those who exert themselves in serving such a journal with great volition and pure conscience, whose memory commemorates the “hands of benevolence” that give breath to such an academic project: it is the benevolence of the legal custodian of the Holy Al-`Abbas Shrine, Seid. Ahamed Al-Safi, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, who grants all kinds of care and support. Such reinforces the morale of the persevering work for the one has the honor of serving the journal.

          All the pathways and scope of the interests in the Al-Ameed journal move further and further under the grace of Him. Day by day, we feel it is the time and the ambition to broach new scientific and cognitive horizons and new approaches to be internationally ranked. It is one of the main obligations the journal staff members pursue to implement to come equal to its sacred and honourable provenance.

         Wholeheartedly we ask Him the Almighty to set us worthy of serving science and its people and to honor us in being a part of the incharges of such scientific community for man. Last supplication goes to praise Allah, Lord of the worlds, and may His blessings be upon the seal His prophets, Muhammad and his pure progeny.

  • Fruit Bunches from the Plethora of Quran and its Readings
    Vol. 11 No. 44 (2022)

    Praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds, and prayers and peace be upon the best of all His creation, Abi Al-Qasim Muhammad and His progeny benevolent, immaculate, honourable and glorious.


         It is one of the perspectives of Al-Ameed Journal to cuddle its readership with so sparkling lights, so blessed platform buttressed by the illumination of Abi Alfadhal Al-Abbas bin Ali bin Abi Talib, peace be upon them, who is a man of knowledge, sapience, pride and insight. He is a righteous servant and so Allah, the almighty, His Messenger, the Commander of the Faithful, Al-Hassan and Al-Hussein, Peace be upon them all. He is a man of a sincere pathway to the original knowledge and creative thinking that aspires to success. Here the adoption of the most appropriate scientific method and the pursuit of the best facilities to pave the way to a free environment buttressing truth and safety, the authors are to have respect and cordiality they deserve from the holy Al-Abbas shrine incharges.

         The current issue surges into publication in the light of the targeted ambition of the journal cadre: throughout its pages the academic missions and the sheer doctrinal commitment are twined in so great amalgamation and interaction leading to implement its permanent slogan: “Under the Shade of Al-`Ameed to Augment” the Holy Al-`Abbas shrine takes hold of, as of the first Al-`Ameed Conference to its sixth version. Truly it emanates from the heart of such a prolific journal.

         As a matter of reality, one who believes in the holy and pure spirit of Karbala, in the spirit of the blessed and the benevolent who are buried therein: the people of insight and humanity from the family of Muhammad, peace be upon them, their adherents and Shiites. Here it is to say that one who holds such a belief and acts in alignment with the belief is to cull a divine work tracing the scientific truth and advocating every epistemological effort that aspires to erect a threshold in the architecture of the creative thinking for such a generous and benevolent nation.

         As per usual, the issue cuddles a constellation of research studies bifurcated into two types: the first, so called, the file, falls within the remit of the Quranic studies with three articles, one focuses on Quranic text and other articles on perception of the Quranic text. Then these articles draw the title of the edition: “Fruit Bunches from the Plethora of Quran and Its Readings”.

    In these Quranic excerpts, are there three research isles. The first is much concerned with studying orientalist suspicions about women inheritance in the Glorious Quran. Without doubt, certain orientalist opinions derail from the path of objectivity in studying some Islamic issues: fair orientalist opinions are traceable in Islamic issues.

             The second manipulates the Quranic stories from the perspectives of semiotic criticism, it is an approach whose practitioners consider the possibility of the Quranic text in a vision with methodological updating. Yet the third deals with the methodological problems in contemporary readings of the Quranic text: Abdul Majeed Al Sharfi as an example.

         As for the other propensity of research in this issue, it is the humanities studies the journal research receives, peer-reviews and publishes in line with its academic scope. More vehemently, the journal incharges seize the occasion of issuing such a promising, with the will of the Almighty, to invite specialized researchers to provide the journal with their authentic scientific research achievements. In time, there is a promise that positive knowledge environment be to trace truth and its people and cuddle their products.

    Last we do is to thank Allah, Lord of the worlds, and prayers and peace be upon the best of all His creatures, Abi Al-Qasim Muhammad and his infallible household, immaculate, benevolent progeny.

  • Linguistic Approaches to Quranic Techniques
    Vol. 12 No. 46 (2023)

      The acts of searching are the pathway of the sapient who trace facts. Each one of them does his duty in alignment with his specialization. Without adhering to the research and delving into its angles the students never grow to be competent and well-informed professors surveying the scopes of knowledge adeptly.

         Therefore, the authentic scientific institutions run to stimulate and provoke the potentials and capabilities of researchers to obtain the best of their products to serve man. Here comes Al-`Ameed journal as one of the major procedures to earn such a noble mission the Intellectual and Scientific Society of Al-`Ameed aspires to have and perseveres in attracting the valuable achievements of the diligent researchers to have them planted in the pages of its issues. The journal never proceeds without the products of the researchers and scholars in the international, regional and local universities.

         The forty-sixth issue surges into being as brilliant and clad in a file “Linguistic Approaches to Quranic Techniques” to cuddle three evident studies, the first is titled as “Vigilance for Content Misconception in Sound Mind Guidance Interpretation of Abi Sa`aud, died 982 Hegira”, the second as “Yusuf and the Wife of `Aziz between Accusing Him and Bearing Witness to His Innocence” and the last as “Linguistic Consideration of Abihyan in Explicating Albahr Almuht”.

         In the edition are there certain articles pertinent to various fields of knowledge that fall within the journal scope: Islamic thought, geography, history, psychological and educational sciences, and the Arabic language and linguistic and literary studies in English.

         Lastly, it is to re-call for the academics to provide the journal with their last contributions that solidify the tributaries of the journal to breathe, develop, enhance the library and offer the researchers, in particular the higher studies stages, great opportunity.

    Thanks be to Him, the Lord of worlds

  • Imam Al-Mahdi, May Allah expedite his resurrection, under the Shades of Glorious Quran and Its Exegesis
    Vol. 12 No. 48 (2023)

    All the communities acquire more and more intellectual and epistemic innovations from the movement of the epistemic and intellectual development that help boost the acts of development in these communities and augment the infrastructures architectural, civilizational, intellectual and epistemic.

        For the Journal of Al-`Ameed in its unwavering history lays foundation bricks of responsive partnership with the sources of knowledge and the means of thought communication with the interlocutor in a precise way. Such manifests the perception of its missions and the infallibles teachings to promulgate the science of Quran and its knowledge.

        In a great conformity with its vision to revive the Islamic heritage and study its most recent scientific shades, the journal endeavours to exploit these to serve the community and enrich the fields of knowledge. Here comes the editorial Board to publish the papers proving such a responsive partnership and to select the papers that could bridge the gap in the Islamic library.

         As for the policy of the journal, it embraces certain files with scientific and intellectual issues: Al-Mahdawya issue takes so vast a platform in the global thought and focuses on the Muhammedean perspective in the light of the imams narratives. Tus, the title appears as “Imam Al-Mahdi, May Allah expedite his resurrection, under the Shades of Glorious Quran and Its Exegesis” to be in line with the Holy Al-`Abbas Shrine commitments to rejuvenate the heritage of the infallibles as pertinent to the Glorious Quran they explicate and reveal its meaning in concordance with the knowledge of their grandfather, messenger of Allah, who conveys its pearls, then they reflected these pearls in their prolific legacy.  

         The other papers in such a file are ramified into various fields: sociology, educational and teaching curriculum, philosophy, criticism and Ahlalbayt sciences wreathed with thought-provoking scientific and intellectual data.  

         It is beyond doubt the sponsorship of the Holy Al-`Abbas Shrine Seid. Ahmed Al-Safi( May Allah prolong his glory),  legal trustee , paves the way for the journal to spread its wings in receiving such papers , establishing a mutual trust between the journal and researchers worldwide and attracting inventive minds and creative quills to share the acts of awareness and perception  to our reality for summoning practical solutions.   

         Ever and forever the editorial board keeps its promise to proffer the highly recent papers in the fields authentic, epistemic, intellectual and scientific in alignment with an accurate policy the board aspires to develop the level of the journal editions. No success but from Him .

  • Imam Al-Hussein Adherents and True Doctrine
    Vol. 11 No. 43 (2022)

    Thanks be to Allah the Lord of the worlds and prayer and peace be upon our prophet Muhammad and his immaculate and benevolent progeny  .

         Imam Al-Hussein is a chronicle , revivalism , aphorism and stances . All in all he is a pathway for the free to adhere to , he is not a passing man doing an evanescent formative movement : he is an authentic rejuvenating pathway applicable to every when and everywhere .

         To refocus on the chronicle of Imam Al-Hussein, peace be upon him , in particular his formative blessing revivalism the editorial board in Al-`Ameed journal intends to select a constellation of articles from the participating ones in the global scientific conference on “Imam Al-Hussein Adherents” written by sapient academic quills . Such results in a file entitled: “Imam Al-Hussein Adherents and True Doctrine”.

    There are three research studies in the edition: the first comes as Determination and Its Impact on stance Steadfastness of Imam Al-Hussein Adherents, the second does as Altaff Women : Reflection of Their Social  Role on Stance Ethics,  and the third as Rajaz for Imam Al-Hussein Adherents (Analytic Study) .

    Also the edition cuddles a number of authentic academic articles under the scope of the journal in humanities. Here the journal pays much heed to the diversity of majors, universities and the foreign participations as well to exchange ideas and crystalize them in sharing with the other. The English articles find their existence in the edition as the journal heaves into view in both Arabic and English.

    In the aggregate, there is nothing but to reconsider our welcoming to the prolific academic quills to set their writings  repertoire to flow in the veins of the journal into prosperity in the orbit of authentic scientific research.