Preparedness Difficulties for Reading of Kindergarten Children in Light of Girl Teachers Opinion


  • Janan Latiff Hashim جامعة بغداد/ كلية التربية للبنات/ قسم رياض الأطفال



Reading difficulties, readiness for reading, kindergarten children


Preparing the child and enabling him to be ready for reading is one of the contemporary issues that the developed countries are interested to achieve progress as this process has its positive impact on the cultural and scientific level of the child in general and the academic level in particular. Knowing that the early childhood stage provides the child with an opportunity to acquire sufficient skills and experience to develop the use of language in an accurate and proper manner. Therefore, any failure at this stage will negatively affect language learning in the later stages, and consequently will require necessary measures to avoid this problem. Hence the idea of conducting this study aims to identify the difficulties in reading among kindergarten children, and to identify the difference in reading readiness difficulties among kindergarten children according to the gender variable, males and females. To achieve the purposes of this research, the researcher prepared a scale consisted of (28) items to identify the difficulties in reading readiness. The researcher applied the scale to the research sample that was chosen randomly, 100 boys and girls from kindergarten children who are registered in the state kindergartens, in the city of Baghdad, for the academic year (2021-2022). After verifying the psychometric properties of credibility, stability and distinguishing all items, the researcher analyzed the responses of the sample members statistically using the t-test for two independent and equal samples, while Pearson's correlation coefficient, Cronbach’s stability coefficient and in the t-test was applied to one sample. Finally, the study reached the certain results: difficulties in reading and the males suffer difficulties in preparing for reading at a higher rate than females.

Author Biography

Janan Latiff Hashim, جامعة بغداد/ كلية التربية للبنات/ قسم رياض الأطفال

MA. Kindergarten / lecturer

