Poetic Images in Palestinian Poetry Resistance after the Fall of 1967 (A Stylistic Study on Rhetorical and Semantic Layers)


  • Amin Nazari Terizi University of Shiraz /College of Arts and Humanities/ Department of Arabic and Literature, Iran
  • Sayyed Fazl Allah Mirghaderi University of Shiraz /College of Arts and Humanities/ Department of Arabic and Literature, Iran
  • Mohammad Khaqani Isfahani University of Isfahan/ College of Foreign Languages / Dept of Arabic and Literature, Iran




poetry after the setback, poetic images, graphic styles, semantic layer, rhetorical layer


     Poetic images in general and poetic graphic images represented in simile, metaphor and metonymy in particular have enjoyed a special place in critical and rhetorical studies. It is considered the essence of poetry, according to the researchers. The aspects of development and renewal in Palestinian resistance poetry after the setback of 1967 are crystallized from the stylistic aspects, especially in its graphic poetic forms. From this point of view, the following article aims to study the poetic graphic images in the Palestinian resistance poetry after the setback of 1967 AD from a stylistic perspective and to reveal the realization of the role of these images on the semantic and rhetorical levels. The study applied the descriptive-analytical and statistical method. The sample of the study consisted of five books that monitor the most important events of the setback period, 1967 AD and beyond: resistance. What the article found is that metaphor is one of the most important artistic means employed by the set-back poets to express the issues they live with, with a percentage of 59.5%, followed by simile at 25%, and then metonymy at 15.5%. Most of the metaphorical images in the poetry of the setback tend towards the material and the sensual. With regard to the semantic aspect of these images, the poet of the setback has extracted most of the simile images from the atmosphere of occupied Palestine and the tragic conditions in which it is living in terms of killing, destruction and displacement. As for the metaphorical images, it is found that most of the metaphorical images employed in the poems of this period do not reach a state of depth and ambiguity, as they tend towards materialism and sensuality in depicting the sensualities and morals. As for the semantic aspect, it is noted that the homeland and the manifestations of the occupation are more present in the metaphorical images employed for the poems of this period. With regard to the metonymic images, it is inferred that the metaphor is ranked first among the types of metonymy; as it expresses the tendency of poets of this period to embody ideas and feelings in sensory images expressing the reality to be depicted.

Author Biographies

Amin Nazari Terizi, University of Shiraz /College of Arts and Humanities/ Department of Arabic and Literature, Iran

PhD. in Arabic Language and Literature/ Assistant Professor

Sayyed Fazl Allah Mirghaderi, University of Shiraz /College of Arts and Humanities/ Department of Arabic and Literature, Iran

PhD. in Arabic Language and Literature/ Professor

Mohammad Khaqani Isfahani, University of Isfahan/ College of Foreign Languages / Dept of Arabic and Literature, Iran

PhD. in Arabic Language and Literature/ Professor

