Seventh year, Seventh volume , 28th Edition
Data : 2018
Researcher Prof.Dr. Dawood Salman Khalif Al-Zubeidi   -   University of Baghdad / College Ibn Rushd of Education for Humanist Sciences / Department of History
► Imam Al-Baqar and His Contemporary Controversies -Reading on the Levels of Challenge and Confrontation
Researcher Assist.Prof.Dr.Noor Aldeen Abuleheia   -   University of Batna 1 / College of Islamic Sciences / Department of Religion Basics
► Imam Al-Baqir and His Efforts in Confronting Doctrinal Perversion
Researcher Assist. Prof. Dr. Adel Muhammed Al-Shareef Laghreib   -   International Al-Mustafa University / College of Wisdom and Religious Studies / Department of Islamic Philosophy
► Introduction to the mind connotations in the Religious Texts
Researcher Assist. Prof. Dr. Arkan Rahim Jabr , Lect. Dr. Jaafar Farhan Atheeb   -   University of Baghdad / College of Islamic Sciences / Department of Arabic Language , Iraqi University / College of Arts / Department of Quran Sciences
► Portryal of Imam Ali (Peace be upon him) in the Poetry of Ibn Abi Al-Hadeed Al-Mo`atazali : Seventh `Al
Researcher Lect. Dr. Abeer Abdul Rasool Mohammed Al - Tamimi   -   Karbala University / College of Education for Humanities / History Department
► Rise of Craftmanship in Iraq during Abbaside Era
Researcher Assist. Lect. Jawad Saleh Mahdi   -   Iraq / General Directorate of Education in Karbala
► Indicators of Food Security in Iraq for the Period (2006 - 2016): Study in Geopolitics
Researcher Prof. Dr. Riad Tariq Kazim Al-Amidi Researcher: Zahraa Kareem Ghannam Researcher: Zainab Kareem Ghannam   -   Iraq / University of Babylon / College of Education for Human Sciences / Department of English Language , M.A. Student of English language and linguistics/ College of Education for Human Sciences / University of Babylon , M.A. Student of English language
► A Stylistic Study of Linguistic Aesthetic Expressions in Al-Imam Muhammed Al-Baqir's (A.S.) Recommendat
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