  • What International Al-Ameed Center for Res

    To the heart taking their formidable scientific perspectives as gospel, the academic communities plunge into erecting study and research centers to reckon a constellation of visions from

Eleven Volume, 41st Edition
Data : 01-03-2022
Researcher Prof. Dr. Maqdam `Abidalhussein Al-Fyadh   -   University of Kufa / Dept of History / College of Education for Girls
► Encyclopaedia of Sufficient Defence Fatwa (Study on Importance and Content of Third Part as an Example)
Researcher Lectur. Dr. Ahammed Mahdi Sabri `Abid   -   University of Ahalalbayt / College of Arts / Dept. of Journalism
► Media Documentation of Encyclopaedia of Sufficient Defence Fatwa
Researcher Lectur. Dr. `Adnan `Abidalameer Mahdi Mahmoud   -   University of Tikrit /College of Political Sciences / Dept. of Political Systems and General Policies
► Humanitarian Scope in Encyclopaedia of Sufficient Defence Fatwa
Researcher Prof. Dr. Salma `Abidalrazq `Abidlayth    -   University of Karbala / College of Humanist Sciences / Dept. of Applied Geography
Researcher Lectur. Saja Sa`ad Ahamed   -   
► Efficiency of the Health Service in Al-Husseiniya District
Researcher Dr. `Abdallah A. Al-Yousef   -   Scientific Hawza /Al-Qateef
► Lady Um Albanein (Peace be upon her) (Historical Study)
Researcher Asst. Prof. Dr. S`aed Hamid Kadhim   -   General Education Directorate of Holy Karbala
► Content Argumentation and Memory Processing in the Poetic Products of Maghout )An Approach to Delineat
Researcher Asst. Prof. Dr. Ali Khaleif Hussein   -   University of Baghdad / College of Arts / Dept. of Arabic
► Phonetic Assonance in Arabic in Arabic Language
Researcher Lect.Dr.Zahur KadhimSadiq Za`aemyan   -   Al-Mustansiriya University/ College of Basic Education/ Department of Arabic Language
► Uniqueness of the Glorious Quran : Research Inauguration, the Light in Bible (Comparative Analytic Stud
Researcher Lectur. Dr. Ahamed Na`ama Rasin   -   Dept of Translation / College of Arts/ University of Al-Iraqeia
► Impact of TWA Model in Acquiring Historical Concepts on Preparatory Fifth Grade Students
Researcher Prof. Dr. Riyadh Tariq Kadhim Al-Ameedi   -   Dept. of English/College of Education for Human Sciences University of Babylon
Researcher Assist. Lectur. Daniah AbdulAmeer Muhammad   -    Dept of English/College of Arts/ University of Imam Jafar Al-Sadiq
► A Stylistic Study of Negation in Al-Kafirun Surah
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Eleven Volume, 41st Edition
Publication Conditions Inasmuch as Al-`Ameed Abualfadhal Al-`Abass cradles his adherents from all humankind, verily Al-Ameed journal does all the original scientific research under the provisos below: 1. Publishing the original scientific research in the various humanist sciences keeping pace with the scientific research procedures and the global common standards; they ...
Iraq / Baghdad University / Central Library
Iraq / Baghdad University / College of Arts Li
Iraq / Baghdad University / College of Islamic
Iraq / Baghdad University / College of Educati
Iraq / Mustansiriya University / College of Ba
Iraq / Mustansiriya University / College of Ar
Iraq / Mustansiriya University / College of Ed
Iraq / Basra University / Central Library