Eilghth Volume 30th Edition
Data : 1/6/2019
Researcher Asst. Prof. Dr. Sheima Muhammad Kadhim ، Asst. Prof. Dr. Bashar Ameer `Abidalsada   -   Department of Arabic, College of Education for Human Sciences University of Babylon
► Alghadeer Sermon of the Greatest Messenger ( Stylistic Study )
Researcher Asst. Prof.Dr. Hadi Shandouk Hamid,   -   Department of Arabic Language, Faculty of Arts, Dhi Qar University, Iraq
► Emotion as Semiotic (Reading on the letters of the Prophet)
Researcher Lectur. Dr. Haider `Abidalhussein Meer Azwein ، Lectur. Dr. Mus`ab Maki `Abidzabeiba   -   Department of Arabic, College of Arts, University of Kufa
► Valediction Sermon of the Prophet ( A Study on Poeticism )
Researcher Prof. Dr. Kareem Hussein Nasah Al-Khaladi   -   Universal College of Imam Al-Kadhim for Islamic Sciences
► Transmissible Spiritual Units in Arabic Syntax
Researcher Asst. Prof.Dr.Ameen Abeid Chechan   -   University of Babylon / College of Education for Human Sciences / Department of Arabic
► Linguistic Phenomena in Al-Wajeez of Seid. Abidallah Shubr (1242 died)
Researcher Lectur. Dr. Na`Aem Khalil `Abud   -   Education Directorate of Babylon
► Impact of the Syntactic and Semantic Explication of the Quranic Texts on the Language Development for t
Researcher Lectur. Izhar Muhammad Ali Kadhim ، Lectur. Dhuha Hussein Faleih   -   Unversity of Karbala / College of Education for Human Sciences / Department of Psychological and Educational Sciences
► Level of the Karbala University Teachers، College of Humanities ، in Using the Active Teaching Principl
Researcher Assist. Lect. Israa Hasan Ajeel   -   University of Muthanna / College of Education for Hu- manities / Department of English Language
► Colour Implication in English and Arabic Religious Texts: A Contrastive Study
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