Sixth Year Volume,24
Data : 1/12/2017
Researcher Prof.Dr.Geoffrey P. Nash   -   Depatmant of Culture ,University of Sunderland, U.K
► The Clash of Cultures and the Search for Security: between global power and violent extremes
Researcher Prof. Dr. Brian Brivat   -   Academic Director, PGI Cyber Academy
► Cyber Security, Cultural Security and the Cyber Gap: Lessons from Middle Eastern Policy Makers Cultural
Researcher Asst.Prof.Muhammad-Reza FakhrRohani   -   Department of English, College of Humanities ,University of Qom, Iran
► Multiple Versions of Islamic Source Texts: A Suggestion for Achieving Cultural Security
Researcher Asst.Prof.Dr.Ahmad Deylami   -   Department of Private Law, College of Law , University of Qom, Qom, Iran
► Charity, Tenderness-Based Moral Education and Cultural Security
Researcher Lec.Dr. Ramia Fu'ad Abdulazeez (Ph.D.)   -   University of Baghdad ,College of Education,Department of English
► Moral Language Endangerment
Researcher Lec.Dr. Muna Mohammed Abbas Alkhateeb   -   Depatment of English ,College of Basic Education, Babylon University, Iraq
► Culture and Critical Thinking Skills for Language Learners
Researcher Asst. Lectu. Sophia Butt   -   English Language and Applied Linguistics, Arts , Law and Social Policy , University of Brimingham
► Cultural Security: Stagnation or Safety?
Researcher Asst.Lec.Hasan Shikoh   -   Doctoral Researcher, Department of Film &
► Cultural Insecurity: Where Lies the Threat?
Researcher Asst.Lecu.Sujan Mondal   -   department of English, AMU, M.Phil (English Literature) J.M.I, New Delhi, India
► Cultural Security of Indian Muslims: Sir Syed Ahmed Khan and His Legacy
Researcher ASST.LECU.SAFA MAHDI UBEID AL-WAALI   -   Master of Peacekeeping Management International Higher Education Consultant and Doctoral Searcher at the University of Birmingham (UK)
► The Importance of Cyber Security as a Part of The National Security System
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